01942 233323

01942 233323

For Parents with a Learning Disability





For Parents with a Learning Disability

Embrace support adults with a learning disability (or being diagnosed) going through Child Protection proceedings with their child/children. We offer support in multi-agency meetings helping parents understand what is being asked of them. We also identify the correct services and make suggestions of support to families for the best possible outcome available.

If a family is involved in Care Proceedings we will attend court with the parent(s) to ensure they understand fully what is happening and what is being asked of them.

On a general day we may:

  • Complete referrals to housing
  • Complete joint visits with professionals
  • Refer to a solicitor and support in legal meetings
  • Attend court

The different types of meetings we can attend:

  • Core group
  • Child Protection Conferences
  • PLO meetings
  • LAC reviews (only whilst in the court arena awaiting final hearing)
  • Each court date regarding the child/children
  • Family group conferences
  • Discharge meetings (for babies)

Who Can Refer?

  • Professionals – any professional can refer into our service if an individual meets the criteria above.
  • Self-referral – individuals and families can also call us to access our support by calling: 01942 233323

What is Child Protection?

It is a process designed to help protect children from abuse and neglect.

What is a PLO?

They are pre-proceedings meetings when social workers are concerned about the welfare of a child, they may be thinking about taking the case to court so that they can ask the court to make orders to protect the child from harm or neglect.

What are care proceedings?

It is when Children’s Services asks the court to look at your child’s situation and decide if your child needs a legal order to keep them safe. Your child’s social worker will do this if they think that your child cannot remain safely at home.

We have the QPM for Advocacy

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Supported by Wigan Council

Wigan Council support this project to help Parents with a learning disability going through Child Protection proceedings.

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